8 Reasons Your Employees Don’t Care

Giving out raises and more benefits to employees won’t guarantee your employees are invested in you or your company.

When employees in your business don’t care, it has dramatic effects on your company’s bottom line.

Paying someone more doesn’t create the connection you want with them. Once you know why people don’t care – you know what they’re missing in their work-life. Then you can take the steps needed to make things better.

Here are the eight most important reasons that employees don’t care about the company they work at.

1. They have no real goal or mission besides their paycheck.

This could be the most important thing holding employees back. They only care about money getting deposited into their bank account. We all want and need to feel like a part of something bigger when we spend our time doing that thing.

When people are working to be a vital part of a bigger picture, they are more motivated. Let them in on your goal and dreams for the company.

Someone working for you should know where you envision the company going in complete detail. Succesful companies create a strong vision that exists to create meaningful purposes for employees. If someone feels your passion they can invest in it.

2. No connection exists between the company and its employees.

A company vision helps this but doesn’t solve everything. Face to face moments can be more important than work meetings. People need to have a warm connection with their bosses and their other co-workers.

This goes a long way with getting the employees to buy into the company vision. Everyone wants to be seen as a person and not just a worker. It doesn’t mean everyone needs to know everything about each other, but you do need to care about the things you know.

People care – especially when you care about them.

3. There’s no clear line of input for their ideas or it’s too one-sided. 

Employees need to be heard and need to feel like they are heard. Make it easy and accessible for an employee to pitch an idea to you or another superior. If it’s not something you are on board with open up a dialogue about it.

People are open to being turned down – with the proper respect and consideration. Shooting down an idea without any feedback can demoralize someone’s attitude about the company.

If someone pitches an idea over email and gets a no for a response without any explanation, they probably will think first before pitching something else. You don’t know how long they worked on their idea. Give everything decent consideration and open up a back and forth on why it will or won’t work.

4. Not everyone’s job is lined up with their strengths.

This means that you need to be more detailed and take longer looks at all your hires. If you hire the most qualified person – you need to give them the complete freedom to do what they do best. If not it’s a waste all around.

Delegating tasks to the right people on your team has to be done.  This is also where having an open line of communication is important.

If someone wants to do something else, they need to feel real comfortable addressing it with you. Having employees working in areas they won’t succeed the best at, creates employees that don’t care.

This step starts with your hiring process but is important to keep in mind with all of your employees. People thrive when they are extremely comfortable with their role. Don’t fit a round peg into a square hole.

5. You need clear measures of success.

There should be no question about anyone’s goals. The clearer these are laid out, the better it is. If someone is successful, there can’t be a grey area in their measures of success.

If any standards change (or you want them to), it needs to be immediately communicated to everyone on your team. This goes hand in hand with having a vision for your company that everyone knows. Having KPI’s (key performance indicators) is the next step to that.

Companies that run smoothly have their employees all working toward individual and company-wide goals – all while being on the same page about it.

6. Employees don’t see a future with the company.

If there isn’t potential to grow with the company, no one will be fully invested. If a person can see a future or a long-term plan with what they are doing – then they’ll be committed to what they are doing.

Even if this means developing people for positions they’ll likely take outside your company, it is more than worth it. Help grow your employees within your company and they’ll care about your business.

7. There’s no sense of team.

Not only is there no connection with you – there’s none with fellow employees. Employees that feel like they are on their own won’t have a passion for what they are doing. Everyone needs to be working to make each other better.

That includes helping each other when someone is in a pinch. There are ways to go about growing an environment like this. Having company and team goals that outweigh individual goals is one way.

Having everyone informed about each position and the responsibilities of each position is another big part of a team environment. Providing team resources are important. Teams should have a designated place where they can meet.

8. You don’t treat all employees the same.

People notice when there is no consistency in this. Similar achievements should result in praise and rewards. Offenses need to have the same punishment for everyone.

Different standards for different employees will lead to dysfunction within your team. Communicate everything as much as possible. When people know why a choice was made – they’ll be accepting of it and the consequences. It doesn’t hurt to explain why promotions where chosen.

The more communication you have with your team the closer together you’ll be with them.

At 3Phase Advisors we want to help you and your team to fulfil your potential.

A strong culture is the solid foundation needed to achieve your organization’s goals. Often, the root cause of dysfunction on your team isn’t obvious. 

The 3PHASE Business Advisors proprietary ACHIEVE More Culture Survey will tell you if you have:

  • Employee Engagement: An engaged team contributes their best to a shared goal. They want to grow with the company because they believe in the value of the work.
  • Accountability: Commitments, clarity and communication are the building blocks of accountability. A smart accountability process keeps everything moving smoothly.
  • Team & Trust: Having the right people in the right roles is key to having an A-level team. When problems arise, you’ll be able to solve them together in an open, honest, and respectful environment.
  • Purpose & Values: In a company with strong purpose and values, everyone believes in the “why” and “how” you go about your business. Important decisions are always tied back to these key shared beliefs.
  • Vision: A clear, shared vision of the long term goals and what it will take to get there results in a team that will proactively work together to achieve them.

When you’re weak in one of these areas, you may feel like you’re spinning your wheels… and you can’t put your finger on why. This free culture survey is designed to uncover the reasons you may not be achieving your goals as quickly as you’d like. Click below to find out.

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